Family Connection Lessons

The Family Life component in these lessons provides materials that a student can take home to share with their family. The lessons include student reflection questions so that the teacher can facilitate a classroom discussion among all the students on the topic reviewed.

The teacher can determine whether the OAV lessons with Family Life components are appropriate for their implementation of the curriculum in their classroom. If they are, the teacher can decide which lesson(s) to use and the order of presentation.

CLICK HERE to download a template for communication to parents / guardians.

Citizenship & the Common Good – Family Connection

Core Principle 1: Way of Life

In this family connection lesson, students working with at least one family member will explore the responsibilities of good citizenship, then consider actions they have engaged in that support the common good.

Copy and share the link below with parents / guardians:

Rules, Laws, Responsibilities – Family Connection

Core Principle 1: Way of Life

In this family connection lesson, students working with at least one family member will explore the importance of rules and responsibilities at home, at school, and in the community, then consider qualities of a famous person who worked for the common good.

Copy and share the link below with parents / guardians:

I Am More Than You See – Family Connection

Core Principle 1: Way of Life

In this family connection lesson, students working with at least one family member will reflect on your own family identity, then consider what they can do to help people really see others for who they are.

Copy and share the link below with parents / guardians:

Power to the People – family Connection

Core Principle 2: Rights and Responsibilities

In this family connection lesson, students working with at least one family member will discuss the Bill of Rights and the protections afforded by it.

Copy and share the link below with parents / guardians:

A Living Document – Family Connection

Core Principle 2: Rights and Responsibilities

In this family connection lesson, students working with at least one family member will discuss voting rights amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Copy and share the link below with parents / guardians:

News, Perspective, Bias – Family Connection


In this family connection lesson, students working with at least one family member will think critically about trustworthiness of news sources.

Copy and share the link below with parents / guardians:

Everyone’s Voices – Family Connection

Core Principle 3: E Pluribus Unum

In this family connection lesson, students working with at least one family member will reflect on the process of decision-making and compromise.

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Making It Better – Family Connection

Core Principle 3: E Pluribus Unum

In this family connection lesson, students working with at least one family member will consider both positive things and those that need improvement in their home, neighborhood, and country and then brainstorm ways to help make those changes happen.

Copy and share the link below with parents / guardians:

Federal, State, Local Government – Family Connection


In this family connection lesson, students working with at least one family member will identify federal, state, and local government resources and decide where to turn when government “issues” arise.

Copy and share the link below with parents / guardians:

Impacts of Congress – Family Connection

Core Principle 4: Informed Participation

In this family connection lesson, students working with at least one family member will investigate ways in which Congress affects daily life and consider ways in which family members can participate and make their voices heard.

Copy and share the link below with parents / guardians: